Community Meeting to Launch the Three Villages Flood Group

Mudford, Somerset – Residents concerned about worsening flooding in Mudford and the surrounding villages are invited to a community meeting to launch the Three Villages Flood Group (3VFG) on Saturday, April 5th, from 10 am to 2 pm at Mudford Village Hall.

The event will bring together local residents, flood experts, and key agencies to discuss the increasing flood risks and explore solutions for better resilience and preparedness.

Confirmed Attendees:

• Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA)
• Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG)
• Environment Agency (EA)
• Reimagining the Levels
• Somerset Council
• Emergency Voluntary Action Group (EVAG)
• Somerset Wildlife Trust (SWT)

Event Highlights:

• Official launch of the Three Villages Flood Group, a community-led initiative to tackle local flooding.
• The launch of our ‘Adopt A Drain’ scheme, empowering residents to take action on drainage issues.
• The unveiling of a visual representation of the flooding issues affecting the
• Information stands, specialist talks, and an opportunity to meet representatives from key flood response organisations.
• BBC Radio Somerset will be attending to cover the
• Recruitment of new flood wardens to support local flood response

With flooding becoming more frequent and severe, this important community meeting will provide a platform for residents to voice their concerns, learn from experts, and get involved in protecting their villages.

All are welcome to attend.

For further information, please contact: email: or use the contact form here

Phone: 01935 804342
